This free printable emergency contact form can be edited with Word if you want to make any changes. If not, you can use the fillable PDF or the image version. In addition to the basic information that all forms have (such as home telephone numbers, cell phone numbers, home address, e-mail address, etc) each form has different sections that will be relevant for different uses. Find the form that best meets your needs.
Available Formats: MS Word, Google Docs, Fillable PDF, Image, Image with Transparent Background (to put on your letterhead)
The student emergency contact forms have the necessary information for two contacts in the event of an emergency. The form also has a section to give consent to transport the child to the nearest medical facility in emergency situations.
In addition, there are sections to add the child’s name and other personal information. You can use the Word or Google Docs version if you want to adapt the contact sheet to other uses such as to create a daycare emergency contact form. You can also download an image with a transparent background that you can use with your letterhead.
Available Formats: MS Word, Google Docs, Fillable PDF, Image, Image with Transparent Background (to put on your letterhead)
This form also has space for the signature of a parent or guardian and the date of birth of the child. There is also a section for details of health insurance, medication, or any pre-existing health conditions.
Each emergency contact form template is available in four different formats: Word, PDF, Google Docs, or image.
Available Formats: MS Word, Google Docs, Fillable PDF, Image
Available Formats: MS Word, Google Docs, Fillable PDF, Image
Available Formats: MS Word, Google Docs, Fillable PDF, Image
Available Formats: MS Word, Google Docs, Fillable PDF, Image
The version asks for the relationship to the contact people (the previous versions do not).
Available Formats: MS Word, Google Docs, Fillable PDF, Image
This version asks for medical insurance details (the previous versions do not)
Available Formats: MS Word, Google Docs, Fillable PDF, Image
This version requires a signature (the previous versions do not). However, you can add a signature to any of the versions above if you select the Word format.
It is important to have an emergency contact template for employees so that if an emergency occurs, the right person can be contacted as soon as possible. All employees should fill out their emergency contact details in case of emergencies. A medical emergency cannot be predicted, and it is better to be prepared for anything.
This form should ideally include all the information that an employee will need in order to reach out to someone they trust, like their spouse, child, or parent. The form should include at least the name and phone number of this contact person as well as a brief description of their relationship with the employee (optional).
Some of the contact forms have medical information as well such as insurance details, etc.
Some companies only require emergency contact information from new hires and other companies ask their staff to update the form once a year.
Additional information that you might want to include:
Yes. If you want to make changes then download the Word version. For example, if you want to make a simple emergency contact form with only one contact person then simply delete the second contact person. If you select the Word version then you can make any change you want to make. If you want to make a daycare emergency contact form then select any of the templates that do not mention employees.
Yes. If you want to add a company logo then select the Word version.
Some of the templates also have a transparent background. You can simply insert the image format into your letterhead template. Even if there is not version with a transparent background you can still do this if your letterhead has a white background.
Since the information included in the contact sheet might be confidential (such as medical issues), these contact sheets should be stored in a secure location.